


Email: 7558037@qq.com

潘志方,教授,博士生导师,物理学学士、医学硕士、上海交通大学计算机软件与理论工学博士,IEEE高级会员,国际会议International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (PRML 2022)程序委员会主席,拥有生物医学工程专业学术型专业型硕士研究生、来华留学生学术型博士研究生招生资格,附属第一医院浙江省智慧医疗工程技术研究中心重点实验室科研人员、生物医学工程研究生课程《医疗数据智能分析》、来华留学生《计算机应用》本科全英语课程和临床本科微专业课程《医学影像智能分析》的发起人创始人主讲人,危重症医学&急诊医学临床研究生课程《危重症智能化救治》的主要授课人,研究方向为医疗大数据的研究、临床应用及产业转化。



主持参与有关疾病智能化诊治、医学影像数据的分割与配准、医学影像统计形态分析、高校公共基础信息标准化、复杂网络社团结构分析等国家自然、省重大研发计划、省自然、教育厅和市重大科技创新计划;发表高水平论文50余篇,其中NeuroImage等一区TOP期刊16篇,高被引论文7篇其中热点论文4篇;已经授权发明专利8项,其中有关影像数据的分割分类方法发明专利五项,区块链相关发明专利一项,网络异常预警分析发明专利一项,虚拟换衣方法一项。曾为多家SCI期刊审稿,包括《Information Fusion》、《IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging》、《IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering》、《Neurocomputing》、《Frontiers in Neuroscience》等。


1.An analytic computation-driven algorithm for Decentralized Multicore Systems. Future Generation Computer Systems,通讯作者,2019.07,96:101-110 (SCI一区,IF= 7.307)

2.RFDCR: Automated brain lesion segmentation using cascaded random forests with dense conditional random fields. NeuroImage,通讯作者,2020.05,211:116620 (SCI 一区,IF=7.4)

3.Multi-population differential evolution-assisted Harris hawks optimization: Framework and case studies. Future Generation Computer Systems,通讯作者,2020.10,111:175-198 (ESI高被引论文、热点论文) (SCI 一区,IF=7.307)

4.Orthogonal learning covariance matrix for defects of grey wolf optimizer: Insights, balance, diversity, and feature selection. Knowledge-Based Systems,通讯作者, 2021.02, 213:106684 (ESI高被引论文、热点论文) (SCI 一区,IF= 8.139)

5.Generalized oppositional moth flame optimization with crossover strategy: an approach for medical diagnosis. Journal of Bionic Engineering,通讯作者,2021.03,18: 991-1010 (SCI 二区,IF= 2.995)

6.Chaotic diffusion-limited aggregation enhanced grey wolf optimizer: Insights, analysis, binarization, and feature selection. International Journal of Intelligent Systems,通讯作者, 2021.11,37:4864-4927 (SCI 一区,IF= 8.993)

7.Performance Optimization of Differential Evolution with Slime Mould Algorithm for Multilevel Breast Cancer Image Segmentation. Computers in Biology and Medicine,通讯作者, 2021.11,138:104910 (SCI 一区,IF= 6.698)

8.MFeature: Towards High Performance Evolutionary Tools for Feature Selection. Expert Systems With Applications,通讯作者,2021.12,186:115655 (SCI 一区,IF= 8.665)

9.MTANS: Multi-Scale Mean Teacher Combined Adversarial Network with Shape-Aware Embedding for Semi-Supervised Brain Lesion Segmentation. NeuroImage, 通讯作者,2021.12,244:118568 (SCI 一区,IF= 7.4)

10.Differential Evolution-assisted Salp Swarm Algorithm with Chaotic Structure for Real-World Problems. Engineering with Computers,通讯作者, 2022.01 (ESI高被引论文)(SCI 一区,IF= 8.083)

11.Adaptive Barebones Salp Swarm Algorithm with Quasioppositional Learning for Medical Diagnosis Systems: A Comprehensive Analysis. Journal of Bionic Engineering,通讯作者,2022.01,19:240-256 (SCI 二区,IF= 2.995)

12.Boosting Whale Optimization with Evolution Strategy and Gaussian Random Walks: An Image Segmentation Method. Engineering with Computers,通讯作者,2022.01(ESI高被引论文) (SCI一区,IF=8.083)

13.Dispersed Foraging Slime Mould Algorithm: Continuous and Binary Variants for Global Optimization and Wrapper-based Feature Selection. Knowledge-Based Systems, 通讯作者,2022.02,237:107761(ESI高被引论文、热点论文) (SCI 一区IF= 8.139)

14.Evolving kernel extreme learning machine for medical diagnosis via disperse foraging sine cosine algorithm. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 通讯作者, 2022.02,141:105137(SCI一区,IF= 6.698)

15.Performance Optimization of Support Vector Machine with Oppositional Grasshopper Optimization for Acute Appendicitis Diagnosis. Computers in Biology and Medicine,通讯作者,2022.04,143:105206(ESI高被引论文) (SCI 一区,IF= 6.698)

16.Gaussian kernel probability-driven slime mould algorithm with new movement mechanism for multi-level image segmentation. Measurement,通讯作者,2022.03, 192:110884(SCI 二区,IF =5.131)

17. Chaotic Simulated Annealing Multi-Verse Optimization Enhanced Kernel Extreme Learning Machine for Medical Diagnosis. Computers in Biology and Medicine,通讯作者, 2022.05, 144:105356.SCI一区,IF=6.698

18.Simulated annealing-based dynamic step shuffled frog leaping algorithm: Optimal performance design and feature selection. Neurocomputing, 通讯作者, 2022.09, 503:325-362(ESI高被引论文、热点论文)SCI 二区,IF =5.779

19. Enhanced Moth-flame Optimizer with Quasi-Reflection and Refraction Learning with Application to Image Segmentation and Medical Diagnosis. Current Bioinformatics,通讯作者,2022录用(SCI三区,IF=4.85

20.Enhanced Gaussian bare-bones grasshopper optimization: Mitigating the performance concerns for feature selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 通讯作者,2023.02, 212: 11864 (SCI 一区,IF= 8.665)


1. Development and evaluation of machine learning models and nomogram for the prediction of severe acute pancreatitis.Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 共同通讯作者, 2023.01 (SCI三区,IF= 4.369)

2. Application of Machine Learning in Intelligent Medical Image Diagnosis and Construction of Intelligent Service Process.Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience,共同作者, 2022,9152605(SCI三区,IF= 3.120)

3. Machine learningbased radiomics for multiple primary prostate cancer biological characteristics prediction with 18F-PSMA-1007 PET: comparison among different volume segmentation thresholds.La radiologia medica (Radiologia Medica),共同作者,2022, 127:11701178(SCI二区,IF= 6.313)

4. Moderate-Severe White Matter Lesion Predicts Delayed Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Neurocritical Care,共同作者, 2022, 37:714723(SCI三区,IF= 3.532)

5. BI-RADS Reading of Non-Mass Lesions on DCE-MRI and Differential Diagnosis Performed by Radiomics and Deep Learning, Frontiers in Oncology,共同作者, 2021, 11(1): 0-728224(SCI二区,IF=5.738)

6. Radiomics Model for Evaluating the Level of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Breast Cancer Based on Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI, Clinical Breast Cancer, 共同作者, 2021, 21(5): 440-449(SCI三区,IF=3.078)

7. Diagnosis of Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions on DCE-MRI by Using Radiomics and Deep Learning With Consideration of Peritumor Tissue, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,共同作者, 2020, 51(3): 798-809(SCI二区,IF=5.119)

8.Attention guided neural ODE network for breast tumor segmentation in medical images. Computers in Biology and Medicine,共同通讯作者,2023,159:106884(SCI一区, IF= 6.698)

9.Deep Learning-based Multiparametric MRI Model For Preoperative T-stage In Rectal Cancer. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging,共同通讯作者, 2023录用(SCI二区, IF=5.119)

10.Attention Based Cross-Domain Synthesis and Segmentation from Unpaired Medical Images.IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence,共同作者, 2023录用(SCI二区,IF=4.851)

11.An enhanced grey wolf optimizer boosted machine learning prediction model for patient-flow prediction.Computers in Biology and Medicine,共同作者,2023录用(SCI一区, IF= 6.698)







6. 一种基于日志分析的网络异常预警方法,专利号ZL201910844932.7


8.一种基于改进的GRNet网络的虚拟换衣方法及系统,专利号 ZL 202111070599.2






1. 潘志方;叶夏;应一凡;一种应用于区块链的私钥安全存储和使用的便携式设备,2020-04-28,中国,ZL201921765091.2



2. 温医大数据治理平台系统[简称:WMU-UDGP]V1.02018-06-26,登记号2018SR483313


1.     温医大数据治理平台系统[简称:WMU-UDGP]V1.0,版权和其他知识产权奖,首届浙江省知识产权奖三等奖,2023.08.30

2.     基于人工智能的肿瘤分割分类模型及临床辅助诊断平台的构建,2021年浙江省专业学位研究生优秀实践成果,研究生陈高翔,指导教师,2022.12

3.     高校大数据分析应用关键技术研究及服务平台构建,科技创新三等奖,中国医药教育协会科学技术奖,2022.12.18

4.     全国高校人工智能大数据区块链教育教学“学术创新奖”一等奖,全国高校人工智能与大数据创新联盟,2022.11.05


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