



李纪良 (JILIANG LI, MMed, PhD),系英国伦敦大学博士牛津大学博士后Imperial Cancer Research Fund (ICRF) FellowCancer Research UK (CRUK)/牛津大学终身科学家、英国著名大学医学院肿瘤学终身教授/主任、浙江省特聘专家、中国科学院大学温州研究院兼职教授、肿瘤转化医学中心负责人。承担、参与和完成多项重大肿瘤科技项目,多次受邀在国际学术会议上作大会报告,并在Cancer CellCell MetabolismHepatologyBloodNature CommunPNASCancer Research为代表的多种国际专业主流期刊上发表SCI论文90多篇。其论文被包括NatureScienceCell等在内的著名专业杂志引用9000多次 (按Google Scholar检索),期中最高单篇论文被引>940多次,单篇论文被引>100次的有28篇,H-因子48。担任American Journal of Cancer Research10余家国际学术杂志编委。担任英国、德国、法国、荷兰、新西兰、新加坡等众多国家基金项目特邀评审专家Nature CommunHepatologyGutBloodPNASCancer ResearchClinical Cancer ResearchJournal of Pathology40多家国际专业性杂志评审专家。在肿瘤学相关领域内享有较高的学术声誉,两次受Cancer Cell 杂志社特邀对发表于该刊当期最新论文撰写述评,并受杂志社特邀对最新Nature论文撰写述评。



Our research interest focuses on tumour microenvironment and translational cancer medicine. By employing a variety of approaches including molecular and cellular biology, immunology, proteomics, single cell sequencing, bioinformatics, animal pre-clinical models, and human tumour samples, our research is dedicated to delineate mechanisms on how key molecules (such as microRNAs, lncRNAs, and RNF181 E3 ligase), signalling pathways (such as Notch signalling), tumour cells, and tumour stromal cells (such as endothelial cells, infiltrated lymphocytes, tumour-associated macrophages, and tumour-associated fibroblasts) in tumour microenvironment regulate tumour growth, invasion and metastasis, and tumour response to standard therapeutic interventions (in particular, cross-interactions among radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy or immunotherapy). Our aims are (1) to dissect mechanisms of tumour invasion and metastasis; (2) to develop novel therapeutic targets; (3) to improve therapeutic efficacy by optimal combinations of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy; and (4) to develop novel biomarkers for the prediction of therapeutic efficacy and/or patient prognosis. Primary cancer types we are currently working on include, but not limit to, ocular cancer (eg, uveal melanoma and retinoblastoma), brain tumour (eg, glioblastoma), gastrointestinal tumour (eg, gastric, colorectal and hepatic cancer), and head & neck cancer (eg, nasopharyngeal carcinoma). We are extremely keen to work together with people who have a great passions on pursuing a splendid scientific career in molecular, stratified and translational oncologyEnquiries with CV welcome to contact for details (Email: jlilab1971@163.com).



  1. Li JL and Harris AL.: The potential of new tumor endothelium-specific markers for the development of anti-vascular therapy. Cancer Cell, 2007;11(6):478-482 (通信作者). (5 year IF = 26.809).

  2. Li JL and Harris AL.: Notch signaling from tumor cells: a new mechanism of angiogenesis. Cancer Cell, 2006; 8(1): 1-4 (通信作者) (5 year IF = 26.809).

  3. Masiero  M, Simões FC, Han HD, Snell C, Peterkin T, Bridges E, Li D, Han C, Tuynman JB, Mortensen N,  Li JL, et al.: A core human primary tumor angiogenesis signature identifies ELTD1, an endothelial orphan receptor regulating angiogenesis. Cancer Cell, 2013; 24(2): 229-241 (5 year IF = 26.809).

  4. Favaro E, Bensaad K, Chong M, Tennant D, Ferguson D, Snell C, Steers G, Turley H, Li JL, et al.: Glucose utilization via glycogen phosphorylase sustains proliferation and prevents premature senescence in cancer cells. Cell Metabolism, 2012; 16(6): 751-764 (5 year IF = 22.787).

  5. Wang S, Huang X, Li Y, Lao H, Zhang Y, Dong H, Xu W, Li JL and Li M.: RN181 suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma growth by inhibition of the ERK/MAPK pathway. Hepatology, 2012; 53(6): 1932-1942 (通信作者) (IF = 14.971).

  6. Cai L, Ye Y, Jiang Q, Lyu XM, Chen Y, Li JB, Wang S, Liu T, Yao KT, Li JL and Li X.:  Epstein-Barr Virus-encoded microRNA BART1 impels tumor metastasis by regulating PTEN-dependent pathways in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Nature Commun, 2015; 6: 7353 (通信作者) (5 year IF = 13.811).

  7. Li JL, Sanson RC, Oon CE, Turley H, Leek R, Sheldon H, Bridge, E, Shi W, Snell C, Bowden ET, Wu H, Chowdhury PS, Russell AJ, Montgomery CP, Poulsom R and Harris AL.: DLL4-Notch signaling mediates tumor resistance to anti-VEGF therapy in vivoCancer Research, 2011; 71(18):6073-6083 (通信作者) (5 year IF = 9.062).

  8. Li JL, Sainson RC, Shi W, Leek R, Harrington LS, Preusser M, Biswas S, Turley H, Heikamp E, Hainfellner JA and Harris AL.: Delta-like 4 Notch ligand regulates tumor angiogenesis, improves tumor vascular function and promotes tumor growth in vivoCancer Research, 2007; 67(23): 11244-11253 (通信作者) (5 year IF = 9.062).

  9. Patel NS, Li JL, Generali D, Poulsom R, Cranston DW and Harris AL.: Upregulation of delta-like 4 ligand in human tumour vasculature and the role of basal expression in endothelial cell function. Cancer Research, 2006; 65(19): 8690-8697 (通信作者) (5 year IF = 9.062).

  10. Wang S, Wang X, Gao Y, Peng Y, Dong N, Zhang X, Wu Y, Li M and Li JL.:  RN181 is a tumour suppressor in gastric cancer by regulation of the ERK/MAPK-cyclin D1/CDK4 pathway. The Journal of Pathology, 2019; 248(2): 204-216 (通信作者) (5 year IF = 6.424).


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